Falling Men and Cosmic Dust©

Falling Men and Cosmic Dust©

It this world that we live in with all its chaotic disorder, we may feel anxious and have difficulty apprehend a future that is prosperous or safe.  The atrocious massacre of civilians in Aleppo, terrorism, racism and nationalism that seems to be on the rise world wide-all are sore bleeding wounds that shatters our sense of equilibrium and threatens our sense of humanity.

The following words came to my mind:

Have you seen the dark shadow?

Numerous reports confirmed,

All over the globe, of a hollow

Dark smoky mass discerned

To be increasing in size and

Weight on the human chest

Upon encounter.  Sadness,

Sorrow feelings that grow

Within, whenever this object

Flow upon the horizon.

It continues to cause destruction,

Chaos, and despair.  It is in the air,

Polluting our water, deforming our

Spirit, crushing our soul…within and

Wherever it landed.  Piercing shrieks

Are heard precede its arrival spreading

Terror. Humans are forced to their knees,

Covering their ears, void of humanity.

Everyone run for dear life, void of intellect

Or rational thinking.  Hearing no logic,

Listening not to reason.  Feet crushing bodies

As they run away blinded by fear and darkness-

Scattering in horror like wild beasts.

Nations upon nations have succumbed

To defeat-no survivals.  Except those

Who flee, leaving behind memories of

Happiness destroyed & crumbled.

Masses have tried to assemble with candles,

Courageous hearts, extended hands, and hope to

Defeat this Dark Hollow Shadow.  Their light

Was not strong enough, their hearts were not courageous

Enough,their hands were trembling, and the hope was crushed.

Years and years went by, and the darkness increased and persisted.

Down beneath the ashes, a flicker of light had survived.

A child, an innocent being, not yet corrupted by the Darkness-noticed

It and removed the ashes.  Many hearts, souls, and hands were extended

Towards it.  As one man, they all moved towards the light to protect it.

They tended to it with unity and love until it grew and grew to resemble the hope

That was crushed long ago.  Together they hold the light up towards darkness,  Guided and strong they marched.

Their cheers shook the land, their words echoed throughout the globe:

“Divided no more, divided we have fallen and fallen.  United

Now and always, we stand.”


I have to Differ!©

I have to Differ!©

I sadly would have to differ

With you, if you are racist.

I differ because I am not,

And sadly because you are.


I stand up for Fairness, for Justice,

For freedom of choice,

I call for Unity, I call for Peace.

I stand up against war.

I stand up for humanity.

What do you stand for?



One Community



It’s Time for Peace©

It’s Time for Peace©

It’s time for peace

It is time! I hear the call

From all corners of the globe.

I saw them breaking the wall

In Berlin. I hear peace chanting far East

In Tienanmen Square …over there

Rolling through the green hills

Of China over India and Afghanistan.

South the equator, brothers in new

South Africa, united under one nation.

Echoed in Tahrir Square in Egypt

Time square NY, Champs-Elysee Paris-

Everywhere good people getting together, in the face of evil

In the face of war.  Behold, I see the white dove

Spreading out her wings, searching for that

Green olive branch to land-weary and sad.

People are holding up their hands

Together, everybody chanting, all of them saying:

No more hate, no more discrimination.

Our Earth is aching and bleeding

Pleading for her children-Calling for

Peace. Peace. Peace for all.


Measures of Humanity!©

Measures of Humanity!©

Words are the barometer of our thoughts and intelligence,

Feelings are the indication that we exist,

Our actions and reactions are signs that we are humans;

But our perseverance, compassion, empathy, and kindness towards each other are measures of our humanity.


The Songs Of Peace©

The Songs Of Peace©

nations and tribes verse

What happened to lessons learned

From Vietnam?  From Wars Slogans-

What have we gained?  Shipping Our

Youth again… marching down a jet’s belly,

Or sending them crammed somewhere

Across the sea to a destination abroad.

Why awaken the scary Balrog with

His breath of fire and his whips of flame?

Another war machine hungry to conquer,

Thirsty for blood, creating havoc, howling

With guns- seeking power, seeking fame.

Heavy smoke and grey clouds are spreading

Through the land.  Fear mongers yelling and

Shouting crying wolf, when will we learn to

Hear the lies?  Security, prosperity, sovereignty

Are the products of peace not war. When will we

Understand?  Some their children followed the pipers-

To green fields with rows upon rows of white graves.

How many more beloved sons and daughters must we

Pay with their lives?  When will we ever figure out the game?

Echos are heard now from the valleys, from the rolling

Green hills, from dwellers rushing rising with

The sun, on the highways to earn their living-

The echo of their song: Let us live in peace, live and let live , they’re singing,

We can hear the lies, no more wars, no more death.

They are singing: Let the sunshine in.  Let the sunshine in.


white graves

Time for Change©

Time for Change©


All through human history, humanity goes through periods of change, a shift in its story-line, either a change to better or worse- we are witnessing such times.  Our role as individuals, as well as our responsibility, is in what we do with it…what we do during such times.

The ground is shaking and trembling

Beneath my feet as I stride.  Stars are

Falling from above.  Dark is the hour

But, I sense the dawn struggling as

The light is trailing…I hear wailing

Screams all around.


Shrills of souls in agony, wandering

Yet not lost.  Searching, I join them

Looking for Justice, yearning for freedom

Finding none.  So far, the hope is yet

Kindled, a flame that flickers weak

But steady-beneath the ashes, under



I hear callers of temptations, seducers

To give up the search.  Sirens alluring

Calling for segregation, calling me to

Serve myself-leaving the rest behind.

Rest, indulge, and sleep-I hear their

Flute.  I see their flaming pit of fire

Sparks but no light.  Darkness is their

Call, darkness surrounds their flame.


I go back to those who call for justice

I go back to the wandering souls.  I hear

Truth in their words, I sense goodness

In their claims.  Surrounded with so much

Evil, we push through and through.  Together

We will reach, together-hope is born anew.


Light is finally pulling through.

After a hard and painful labor,

A new morning is born.  Darkness

Defeated, victory to those who are

United, together we made it.  Love

Binds us, and disdain to injustice

Pulled us with force undefeated.

This much I know.




Fair As The Sun©

Fair As The Sun©

I look up at the sun

Rising up everyday

In spite of long nights

Cold winters, dark and grey.

Our lovely sun

Spreading light and warmth

To everyone East, West,

South, and North

Without discrimination.

I looked up at the sun

And all I saw was brightness

Clear, and true. I had a revelation.

I looked  down and around

Right and left..far and wide…

Shocked at what I saw:

Poverty, wars, killing…madness.

Injustice & inequality filled the land

Few had a lot, filled with gluttony

Greed and pride. whips in their hand

Chains of all kinds.

I saw some white, some yellow

Some brown and some black.

I closed my eyes and wished

That I was color blind.

I looked back up at the sun

And was filled with inspiration.

I had a dream, I knew that

A lot has to be done.

Unity, togetherness, and determination.

That soon fairness, Equality,

And Justice will rule the nation.



A Breath of Air©

A Breath of Air©

A Breath of Air

Is all what we need.

The snuffling, muffling,

Stale is baffling indeed!


A fresh breath of air

Is freedom to the soul.

It is essential to be free,

It matters to us all.


Equality Is a birth right to all

Citizens of the nation.

We all breath air

without discrimination.

Equality is fair…

Without it, we fall.





Humanity is

What makes

A man Human

Not beast.

A man deformed

Is a man without



Humanity is a collective

Concept that unites

People not divide.

A common ground

For all our children

To grow safe and

For all societies

To flourish & thrive.


Humanity is the dream

The present, the past.

It is the drive

For compassion to bring

Us together, reach out

For each other to live

Continue living and survive.
