The Mountain

View at snow capped mountains on a cloudy winter day. Time lapse.

As I was approaching

The highland, where the

Road to the Mountain

Starts; I saw the snow capped

Top first. The Mountain stood

There facing the blows of

The wind carving scars on

His face, and he seemed

patiently bearing the

Heavy burden of the

Falling snow over his

Head. I saw the erusion

That this burden made

On every crevice of

The rocks.

Yet, our Mountain stood

Tall and strong. Perhaps

For the deeply rooted

Faith, that the wind

Will evantually soften,

And the snow will

Melt by time.


The Golden Shore!

Beyond the horizon

Of a calm azure sea,

I have sailed through

Many storms, here

I am! I rest at the 

Golden shore.

Just like the albatross ,

 Riding the winds

Searching, learning,

Growing gradually

Accustomed to the

Turbulence of the 

Forever tumbling

Gale. I have reached

The Golden Shore.

Fighting Titans, as I was

Sailing with heavy burdens 

like Atlas of long


I have accepted my role,

Fulfilled my chores, and

Grew and learned and

Befriended the wind, the oceans,

And the waves.

I was awake in my dreams,

I was present in my wake,

And I submitted to my fate

With grace and wisdom.

I saw Medusa through 

True mirrors and realized

That its beauty is fake.

I counted stars while

I stood upon the ground

Firm and strong.

I am not Icarus, I understood,

I learned not to 

Trust falsehood.

I kept my head straight,

Fish rot from the head

Down, they said. I learned.

Through storms, and alluring 

Brass beaches, I fought,

Like a true warrior inviolable. 

Like Tarik, who burned all

His ships upon reaching

The Golden Shore.

© ℗®™ 7/1/2021

Falling Men and Cosmic Dust©

Falling Men and Cosmic Dust©

It this world that we live in with all its chaotic disorder, we may feel anxious and have difficulty apprehend a future that is prosperous or safe.  The atrocious massacre of civilians in Aleppo, terrorism, racism and nationalism that seems to be on the rise world wide-all are sore bleeding wounds that shatters our sense of equilibrium and threatens our sense of humanity.

The following words came to my mind:

Have you seen the dark shadow?

Numerous reports confirmed,

All over the globe, of a hollow

Dark smoky mass discerned

To be increasing in size and

Weight on the human chest

Upon encounter.  Sadness,

Sorrow feelings that grow

Within, whenever this object

Flow upon the horizon.

It continues to cause destruction,

Chaos, and despair.  It is in the air,

Polluting our water, deforming our

Spirit, crushing our soul…within and

Wherever it landed.  Piercing shrieks

Are heard precede its arrival spreading

Terror. Humans are forced to their knees,

Covering their ears, void of humanity.

Everyone run for dear life, void of intellect

Or rational thinking.  Hearing no logic,

Listening not to reason.  Feet crushing bodies

As they run away blinded by fear and darkness-

Scattering in horror like wild beasts.

Nations upon nations have succumbed

To defeat-no survivals.  Except those

Who flee, leaving behind memories of

Happiness destroyed & crumbled.

Masses have tried to assemble with candles,

Courageous hearts, extended hands, and hope to

Defeat this Dark Hollow Shadow.  Their light

Was not strong enough, their hearts were not courageous

Enough,their hands were trembling, and the hope was crushed.

Years and years went by, and the darkness increased and persisted.

Down beneath the ashes, a flicker of light had survived.

A child, an innocent being, not yet corrupted by the Darkness-noticed

It and removed the ashes.  Many hearts, souls, and hands were extended

Towards it.  As one man, they all moved towards the light to protect it.

They tended to it with unity and love until it grew and grew to resemble the hope

That was crushed long ago.  Together they hold the light up towards darkness,  Guided and strong they marched.

Their cheers shook the land, their words echoed throughout the globe:

“Divided no more, divided we have fallen and fallen.  United

Now and always, we stand.”


Beware of the Jabberwockies!©

Beware of the Jabberwockies!©


Beware of the Jabberwockies, I said

Beasts among us my friend.

Beware of them dweebs

Energy sucking bleeps.

Judgmental, negative hordes-

Pull-you-downers slither toads.


Stay strong, clear, and focus

On your course no matter

What they throw at you.

Do not let their words

Smother your dream

Or cloud your sky.

Just brush it off by saying

To yourself: “Callooh! Callay!” , it’s all just noise.


Beware of the Jabberwockies, I say.

Rise and shine and meet your destiny.

You are awesome, you are strong-

You slay!

