Even Butterflies Bleed

The folded winged butterfly

Shook and struggled

On her way out of her cocoon!

Dark were the nights

She remained waiting

For the dawn of her release

Shrouded with fragile layer

Of hope, but she hold on

to it with an iron zeal. It’s life

or death. Emerging triumphantly

Spreading magnificent wings

Towards her new being, changed

grown stronger, the newly born

Butterfly began to fly. Down where

She was writing her new beginning,

I saw drops of blood. I looked up

And understood. Even butterflies

Bleed towards a better, magnificent

New beginnings! Why don’t we?!

The Mountain

View at snow capped mountains on a cloudy winter day. Time lapse.

As I was approaching

The highland, where the

Road to the Mountain

Starts; I saw the snow capped

Top first. The Mountain stood

There facing the blows of

The wind carving scars on

His face, and he seemed

patiently bearing the

Heavy burden of the

Falling snow over his

Head. I saw the erusion

That this burden made

On every crevice of

The rocks.

Yet, our Mountain stood

Tall and strong. Perhaps

For the deeply rooted

Faith, that the wind

Will evantually soften,

And the snow will

Melt by time.


Where do broken hearts go at night?

When the day buzz dims

Under the heavy blanket of the night,

And the silence reigns over the dark,

The broken hearts awake to nurse

The pains and the aches they masked

During the day.

Motherless children moan,

Widows and widowers groan,

Mothers and fathers hearts ache

Over troublesome kids.

Hearts who lost loved ones,

Hearts who suffer from someone,

Hearts who lost the dreams,

And hearts who yearn for

This which they cannot attain;

Their pain is unbearable.

It’s loud and deep and real.

Pain so real it breaks even

The strongest of hearts.

Broken hearts go down the alleys

Of their memory lane.

Memories of old, and recent

Ones too. Some are solace,

Some are torture to go through.

Only those broken hearts

Who come back and soar

Upward, towards the heaven,

Are saved. Those who kindle

The hope and prayers, start

To heal. Little by little, with

Every morning new, those broken

Hearts mend.


The Golden Shore!

Beyond the horizon

Of a calm azure sea,

I have sailed through

Many storms, here

I am! I rest at the 

Golden shore.

Just like the albatross ,

 Riding the winds

Searching, learning,

Growing gradually

Accustomed to the

Turbulence of the 

Forever tumbling

Gale. I have reached

The Golden Shore.

Fighting Titans, as I was

Sailing with heavy burdens 

like Atlas of long


I have accepted my role,

Fulfilled my chores, and

Grew and learned and

Befriended the wind, the oceans,

And the waves.

I was awake in my dreams,

I was present in my wake,

And I submitted to my fate

With grace and wisdom.

I saw Medusa through 

True mirrors and realized

That its beauty is fake.

I counted stars while

I stood upon the ground

Firm and strong.

I am not Icarus, I understood,

I learned not to 

Trust falsehood.

I kept my head straight,

Fish rot from the head

Down, they said. I learned.

Through storms, and alluring 

Brass beaches, I fought,

Like a true warrior inviolable. 

Like Tarik, who burned all

His ships upon reaching

The Golden Shore.

© ℗®™Gainperspectiveblog@wordpress.com 7/1/2021


Shards of Glass Memories

Moments of loss,

Of pain, beyond

Our capacity of

Comprehension, beyond

Our ability to

Understand of

How to deal with them,

Yet we cannot forget.

Instead, we bury

Them deep inside

The deepest layer

Of our being. By time,

We cover these painful

Memories with layers

Upon layers of happenings

In our lives. Nevertheless,

These memories keep hurting

And hurting from deep within. like

shared glass cutting through our skin.

Bleeding deep inside.

Distance Does Not Matter!©

Distance does not matter

To the sea, it does not matter

To the ocean, they still find

each other- waves of devotion

greet the shore.

Distance does not matter

to the river, it still delivers.

Distance does not matter

To the sun, it does not matter

To the moon- rays and beams

Full of warmth

When it shines bright and true.

Distance does not matter

To the heart that loves.


The Age of Darkness, the Age of Light-and the Sea.©

The Age of Darkness, the Age of Light-and the Sea.©

In the midst of the darkness of this long night… my heart is filled with uncertainty and my soul is restless.  Yearning and anticipation are taking me on a roller coaster ride.  It has been like this every night for as long as I can remember.  But this feeling is getting intensified lately.   I have learned to heed my intuition, and it never fails me.  Now, I feel like something is going to happen.  Never have we, as the people of this age, lived in such a contradiction since Charles Dickens wrote these words of wisdom:

” It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest seeing aies insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. ”  Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities, Book the First, Chapter I.

It’s a time that we’re seeing all the evil of humanity awaken like vampires spreading through the land.  Those who want to divide us and take us back to the darkest of ages where a man was void of his human rights and measured by the color of his skin instead of the merits of his deeds and the substance of his character.

On the other side, never we have gotten together, unified under a sense of comradery , as this time, for humanity, civil rights, equality, freedom, kindness… all the best of humane traits, transcending race, religion, nationality, and all other bars and walls of division.

I found myself, this night, waiting for the dawn of day and yearning for the sea!  Such a great urge to be looking at my beloved Pacific Ocean on the Oregon Coast.  You, the reader, may wonder what is the relevance?!!  At times like this, when I am restless and filled with anxiety, I think of the sea.  He is my best friend.  The only being that can listen and understand.  The only friend on this beautiful and sad Earth who can fill me with hope in spite of pain and despair.  The sea is wise yet playful, vast enough to contain the world yet can be contained in my gaze and my heart, mighty yet gentle… and most importantly- the sea is a generator of hope.

Waves live all around the shores, living a life filled with stories; yet as soon as one wave reaches its final destination, resting at last in the shore’s embrace- a new wave will immediately be born in its wake, back to the sea, to live a new life, a brand new life of its own.  An endless story of life-infinite.

Yes, here I am, in the middle of the darkness of this restless night, I find myself yearning for the sea.  Dreaming to stand by its shores, where earth meets the sky, as if standing by the edge of humanity, at the age when we are tested and trialed if we, as the people, are deserving of it!

Oh,  here is a droplet on my face..a mist, a sea breeze.  I am refreshed and filled with hope.  ©2017Gainperspectiveblog






Aidan & the Kaleidoscope 2

Little Children coloring and making cards for Aidan and Ella-Full Time Islamic School

Aidan & The Kaleidoscope

Fellowship of Goodness

Somewhere in a valley in California, women from different faith groups, United Methodists, Catholics, Mormons, Jewish, and Muslims all got together to help each other in a very dynamic and unique fellowship-to spread love, care, and understanding in our communities.  The group cares for refugees, victims of cancer and their families, needy members of the community, widows and widowers group, make a wish for terminally ill seniors, and much more.  Every time we meet at the Interfaith meetings, or at the Kaleidoscope group, or to one of the sisters’ houses for shared dinner-there is enough love, compassion, and humanity to fill the whole world.

I am so proud to be one of them.  I pray that many communities around the nation and the whole world would  follow our example.

One of the projects was caring for Aidan and his little sister Ella.  He is a little boy undergoing a prolonged stay in the hospital for cancer treatment and needs a cheer.  We cannot forget about his little sister, lest she feels neglected.  I have asked you, my dear readers around the world in my last post to join in.

Aidan’s mom reported that Aidan was so happy receiving all those cards, and it really cheered him up and eased his agonizing long hospital stay.

Just because the world is full of chaos and perils, this doesn’t mean that goodness and cheerfulness cease to exist.  As long as we strive to be good and fair and just.. as long as we continue to seek the truth, as long as we believe in God and certain of His Justice and Compassion-Humanity is still good and there is still hope.



It’s Gonna Be OK!©

It’s Gonna Be OK!©

These are not words to say

By lips, it’s a statement

I affirm to make it happen

By deeds and toiled actions-

A claimant.  In a country

Where citizens have rights

Things may go wrong, but

Eventually, it’s going to be

Alright.  After all, it was

said that : “the most important

Office in a democracy: Citizen.


New Beginnings©

New Beginnings©

New beginnings are always hopeful and optimistic.  It means you have been through a lot to reach where you are now.  It means new energy, new opportunities, well earned position, and a new born hope for a better future.  New beginnings means life is showing you its smiley face, its sunny warmth, and its embrace.  I pray and hope, Amen!

